International 360: Truck Fleet Management

International 360

Truck fleet management is key to a successful business, but keeping track of so many vehicles and data points can feel overwhelming. Luckily, International 360 makes the process simple and easy, so you can keep your entire fleet running smoothly for years to come. The International 360 program is a state-of-the-art communication system that pools your data in one convenient place. Whether you want to view the status of a single truck or connect with a service department for preventive maintenance, i360 puts everything you need at your fingertips. Find out more about this innovative truck fleet management program with Rechtien International Trucks.

What is International 360?

I360 is an all-new communication and fleet management solution that seeks to maximize business efficiency while minimizing total costs. How do they accomplish these goals?

  • Maximizing Uptime: Did you know every day of downtime in Ft. Pierce can cost your business over $1,000? i360 keeps you up-to-date on truck maintenance to prevent costly repairs, which helps to boost productivity.
  • Accelerated Repairs: Besides the built-in preventive maintenance program, the system puts you in control of the process when repairs are needed. Get an instant estimate, schedule appointments, and even find parts within dealership inventory with the click of a button.
  • Asset Utilization: Your i360 calendar shows the repair status and estimated time of completion for every truck in your fleet, so you can plan more efficiently.


How Can International 360 Help You?

If you already have a truck fleet management system, you might be surprised by just how seamlessly i360 can enhance your daily operations.

  • Versatility: i360 works with all makes, all models, with no surcharges. That means no monthly or annual per-VIN surcharges.
  • Flexibility: The i360 system works with over 24 industry-leading telematics providers, so you can quickly gain access to the data that you need.
  • Customization: The i360 system is compatible with a wide variety of fleet maintenance software providers, which means it won’t hinder your day-to-day operations.

Learn More with Rechtien International Trucks

Ready to learn more about the International 360 program? Contact us at Rechtien International Trucks for more information, and see how we can become part of your preventative maintenance program in Rechtien International Trucks.

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