Do Semi Trucks Have Catalytic Converters?

Trucker CB Radio Talk

Whether you have been driving big rigs for many years, or you’re just beginning your journey driving semi trucks, you may have wondered, “Do semi trucks have catalytic converters?” In short— yes, they do! In the following guide, we’ll explain the elements of a semi truck catalytic converter and why having one that functions properly is important for smooth drives, no matter where the road takes you. 


Semi Truck Catalytic Converters

As your engine runs and utilizes fuel throughout southern Florida, the combustion in the engine remains incomplete, meaning extraneous byproducts are left behind as a result of the reaction. Diesel vehicles and semi trucks actually produce more of these byproducts than average cars, so a catalytic converter is necessary to reduce those harmful emissions produced as your semi truck runs. To reduce emissions, semi truck catalytic converters have two main components: 

Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC)

  • These precious metals are the first step in the after-treatment of byproducts created by your engine. As the name implies, they help to catalyze the oxidation of the harmful byproducts. 

Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)

  • This filter is the second step in the system. It’s a wall-flow filter that traps any remaining particles of soot that the DOC elements do not convert. 

Our Parts Department is Here to Help

Do semi trucks have catalytic converters? Yes, and unfortunately, for that reason, they are commonly stolen. The size and precious metals contained within a semi truck catalytic converter makes them of high value. If your semi truck catalytic converter needs replacing, our Rechtien International Trucks parts department is certainly happy to order your new one. You can always contact our parts department with any other questions regarding parts or accessories for your rig. 

Learn More at Our Rechtien International Trucks Service Department

For installation or to service your current semi truck catalytic converter, our service department is here to serve truck drivers like you! We are committed to your safety on Florida roads and beyond, and the pride you take in driving your semi truck. Contact us today to learn more about our semi truck parts, services, and more.

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